Assignment: Write a review of the book or article of your choice. For purposes of this assignment, you should review one work, either a book or article or a book chapter. The item should be in print. I want you to focus on more traditional print media. In your review, you should: a)Clearly identify the book or article you are reviewing. You should indicate the title, author, the publisher if it is a book or the journal title if it is an article. state and explain the main arguments and conclusions of the book or article. Briefly describe how the piece is organized and the scope of its coverage. b)discuss the significance of the work under review. What does it add to your understanding of the particular component of the economy Kazakhstan, the particular country of Asian Economic history and of Economics and History more generally? c)evaluate the work under review. What did you find to be its strengths and weaknesses? Did you gain any insights from it nor not? Why or why not did you the work to be convincing?
Age Discrimination
You will prepare a PowerPoint slide presentation about Age Discrimination. To begin, review the reading materials related to Age Discrimination in the attachment. To better inform yourself, also do some independent research to identify trends in the workforce related to age. In your Power Point presentation, identify current issues in Age Discrimination in the workplace, social, economic, and political factors that will impact Age Discrimination in the future, and your recommendations for approaches that organizations should take to address age discrimination in the future. Be sure to use in-text citations in your slides. Your PowerPoint presentation should be about 6 slides in addition to a title slide at the beginning and a reference slide at the end. Tip: Do not have too many or too few words on each slide – consider this is a slide presentation, not an essay. Also include your extra comments in the Speaker’s Comments section at the bottom of each slide.
Extras ordered: none
Jimmy’s World
“Jimmy’s World” Reaction Assignment After reading both the “Jimmy’s World” article and the article about its author please write a 2-page reaction/opinion to the article and the situation surrounding the author and her story. Make sure your paper fills a FULL 2 pages or you will lose points. You can always write more than 2 pages. Grammar, spelling, content and sentence structure count. This is a formal writing assignment so make sure you have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The assignment must: Be Typed Be double-spaced Use 12 point font Be in Times New Roman font Include proper spelling, grammar and sentence structure Include paragraphs Implement proper essay/paper format (introduction, body, conclusion)
Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell
Short Story by Herman Melville – Bartleby the Scrivener,
Middlesex Summary/Response Worksheet
Middlesex Summary/Response Worksheet
a) Introduce new characters and explain their relationship to other characters (particularly to Cal/Calliope) and their significance to Cal’s life
b) Describe events that are important in understanding the story, particularly those that are important to understanding Cal’s life
2. Provide a response to the chapters.
a) Describe any element of the plot that you can connect to a concept related to sex, gender, and sexuality discussed in class/course readings. Be sure to describe the element of the plot, the course concept, and the connection you see between the two. Please provide a citation for the course concept.
b) Do you see any parallels between the characters’ experiences of sex, gender, sexuality in these chapters and your or a family member’s experiences? Briefly explain.
Analysis of Social Movement
Analysis of Social Movement
1. Background.
The impetus for this project is to make you especially familiar with one particular movement such that you can be one of the class experts on the particularities of that movement as the quarter unfolds. This should be especially helpful as we work through social movement theories and seek evidence to support or refute those theories.
2. The book review.
In writing the review, students should demonstrate a careful reading of the text and consider how their specific case study might be used in order to generalize to the dynamics of social movements in general. The book review, therefore, should be not just an overview of the book, but should discuss, in as much detail as space permits, how this case study relates to the questions raised below. The paper should be written in a standard 12-pt. font with 1-inch margins all around. The review must be between 6-7 pages in length, or approximately 1500-1750 words. It goes without saying that copying or paraphrasing an existing review of the book will be considered plagiarism and treated accordingly; the same goes for collaboration between students in the course, as this is a solo (not collaborative) assignment.
3. Selecting a book.
Munson, Ziad W. 2008. The Making of Pro-Life Activists: How Social Movement Mobilization Works. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
4. Review content.
The review should begin with the bibliographic information and a brief (less than two pages) description of the content of the book. The dominant portion of the review should address the below issues. Since these are broad issues, and one could not possibly address all of these issues in a single review, I leave it up to you to choose the questions that are most relevant to the movement you are studying.
A. How did external factors influence the movement?
-For example, did the movement depend upon another group for support? What role did the state play in facilitating or repressing the movement? Did the movement arise in order to express specific grievances? Did other movements influence this movement? Were there any major historical events that shaped the movement?
B. How important were internal factors for this movement?
– For example, what types of organizational form(s) were most prevalent in the movement and what consequences did this have for the movement? How were leaders chosen in the movement and what power did they have compared to other participants? What significance did class, race, gender, sexual orientation, or other axes of difference have for this movement?
C. To what extent were culture and identity important for this movement?
– For example, were the goals of the movement challenging of the larger culture or supportive of it? What role did cultural or identity factors play in the movement?s attempts to recruit
participants? Did participants have a sense of larger purpose in their participation? Was the movement successful in framing its goals, ideals, and practices to other (outside) groups?
D. Other questions such as: What types of tactics did the movement employ (and were some more successful than others? If so, why)? What was the response of the state and/or other institutions that the movement targeted? Was the movement successful (both in terms of its self-defined goals and also in the opinion of the author)? What were the consequences of the movement?s success or failure for the internal structure of the movement?
All reviews should describe the methodology used by the author in studying this movement. What were their sources: interviews with participants? Participant observation? Newspaper records? Archival data?
Buildings Architecture
Executive summary Primal Leadership
Executive summary Primal Leadership
Study Books Used in Class:
Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence
Goleman, McKee and Boyatzis
Description: Executive summery
First page :a summary of the content
Following page : a paragraph describing why the content of the book or project is important for leaders
Other pages (not less than 5 pages): discuss, apply, analyze, evaluate, integrate and innovate around the content of the book. (It is always better if applications are persona, not abstract. Use “I” application).
Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Study Books Used in Class:
Wheelan, Susan A. Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Member and Leaders. 4th ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2013. ISBN: 9781452217079.
Description: experiences that requires the learner to interact with new ideas on several levels.
Please use the following format in preparing Book Reviews:
Summarize what you have read, boiling the book down into 500 words (2 pages). Prove you comprehend the readings by writing a no-nonsense summary. The abstract is not a commentary or listing of topics but rather an objective summary from the reader’s viewpoint. Abstract equals “boiled down.” This section should include a minimum of 2 footnotes to the text being reviewed.