Effect of for profit microfinance for poverty reduction in 4 south asia country/ STATISTICAL ANALYSIS NEEDED USING STATA/STAT PLUS (MULTIPLE REGRESSION,ETC)

Topic: Effect of for profit microfinance for poverty reduction in 4 south asia country/ STATISTICAL ANALYSIS NEEDED USING STATA/STAT PLUS (MULTIPLE REGRESSION,ETC)
I need help in this economics research paper on effect of for profit microfinance in poverty alleviation in 4 south asia countries, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. This paper focuses on FOR-PROFIT microfinance and the commercialization aspect of it and how it affects poverty (represented by GDP per capita)
you will also need to do statistical analysis on the data, of the 4 countries, within 10 years, 5 variables, I attached the dataset below. My instructor wants to use 3 dummy variables, an use of adjusted r squared, t test, f test, to show significance of microfinance. You will need to use stats software like stata or stat plus to do the multiple regression analysis