Business Forecasting

Business Forecasting

Presentation/style of report and relevant findings will be important and assessed. This will include
proper presentation of graphs, tables and charts used to highlight key points in the report. Different
fonts and styles from contributions made by different students will be penalised. Your paper will need
to be a management style report with academic rigour.
Executive summary:
Summarises the report in one page.
Outlines the general background that is relevant to the current issues The purpose of the study
Problem definition
Outlines the process of the data analysis
Justifies why you have chosen the forecasting methods you are applying and explain the reasoning
behind why you have picked them
Outlines any limitations of the forecasting approach used and any improvements that could be made to
the process
Describes and outlines key findings (e.g. forecasts)
Uses plots, graphs, summary tables and other evidence to highlight key discussion points
Conclusions and recommendation: contains key recommendations and limitations Appendices: contains
additional material not previously shown
Page limit:
Your report must not exceed 10 pages single?spaced, excluding appendix and references.