Identify and Defend the Use of Graphic Organizers

Identify and Defend the Use of Graphic Organizers

Story Mapping in Reading Intervention with Learning Disability Students.

write 12 pages by using 17 articles regarding to this topic:
(Identify and defend the use of a story mapping in reading intervention with LD students.)

And you have to cover all the following points ( questions) in this paper. Make sure you cover all the three points ( questions).
• In this paper, you will present a review of research that offers a comprehensive discussion of this topic. Your paper must focus on students in your specific area of concentration (LD).

At this question or point you have to present a review of research that offers a comprehensive discussion of this topic by using this outline and article:
1. Review the learning disabilities LD.
The article name:
A. Nonverbal Learning Disabilities An Overview.
B. Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving the Reading Comprehension of Secondary Students Implications for Students with Learning Disabilities.
2. Review the reading intervention.
The article name:
A. Effect of a Combined Repeated Reading and Question Generation Intervention on Reading Achievement.
B. Diagnosis and Treatment of Reading Disabilities Based on the Component Model of Reading.
C. Meta-Analysis of Reading Comprehension Interventions for Students with Learning Disabilities Strategies and Implications.
D. Reading Interventions for Struggling Readers in the Upper Elementary Grades A Synthesis of 20Years of Research.
E. Reading Interventions for Students With Learning Disabilities in the Upper Elementary Grades.
F. Reading Mastery. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report.
3. Review the Graphic Organizers.
The article name:
A. Graphic Organizers
B. Graphic Organizers and Their Effects on the Reading Comprehension of Students with LD.
C. Graphic Organizers Power Tools for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities.
D. Graphic Organizers and Students with Learning Disabilities A Meta-Analysis.
4. Review the story mapping.
The article name:
A. Story-Mapping Training as a Means of Improving Reading Comprehension.
B. The Effects of a Story-Mapping Procedure to Improve the Comprehension Skills of Expository Text Passages for Elementary Students With Learning Disabilities.
C. Use of Kidspiration Software to Enhance the Reading Comprehension of Story Grammar Components for Elementary-Age Students with Specific Learning Disabilities.
E. Using Story Grammar to Assist Students with Learning Disabilities and Reading Difficulties Improve their Comprehension.
• Identify a learning intervention that could be used with students with LD to increase their potential success in academic school outcomes. Fully articulate the intervention. (Explain what it is and how it is implemented)

At this point or question you will write about the following by using the article names above.
1. Graphic Organizers
2. story mapping.
• Defend or refute the use of this intervention by articulating why this particular intervention is an effective or ineffective means of increasing academic school outcomes? You must discuss at least 2 studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of this intervention. Your discussion should include a summary of the study conducted and its conclusion and should demonstrate that your knowledge as a consumer of research. You should demonstrate through your discussion that you can determine if a research design was appropriate to the study and if the analyses conducted do support the conclusions drawn by the study authors. ( Here understand the question and pick up 3 or 4 an article of graphic organizers and story mapping, then answer this question )

See the sample you wrote and the professor comment and do this paper like what you did in the sample paper and focus more on the professor comment to create a stole paper.
Also, see the instruction file .

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