mixed methods

the emphasis of pragmatism is on warranted beliefs instead of universal truth. The warranted beliefs are results of repeated experiences of predicable outcomes. It could be said that by taking the same actions in similar situations and the consequences of those actions, the likely outcomes of one way versus another will be learned. The second element is actions are linked to consequences in ways that are open to change. This entails the situational nature of action. Pragmatists believe that the consequences and meaning of action can change when a situation changes. Pragmatists also believe that it is not possible to exactly experience the same situation twice and the meaning of acts changes over time as a result of ongoing experience. Hence, the beliefs about how to act in a situation are continually evolving. Such beliefs are called warranted beliefs. The third element is action depends on world views that are socially shared sets of beliefs. It is about treating beliefs as interconnected instead of isolated and the world view, which shapes the experience, as a product of experience. Although people have different experiences and thus worldviews, still, varied degrees of shared experiences among people leading to different degrees of shared beliefs can be found. When two people share similar beliefs about a particular situation, they are likely to act in similar ways and have similar meanings to the outcomes of actions. Consequently, the world views are both individually unique at a detailed level and socially shared at a broader level.

Phase Four represents the final phase of our research. It involves combining the findings obtained from Phase Two (Quantitative) and Phase Three (Qualitative). To draw the interpretation, three sets of data were combined in the discussion chapter.